Get Involved
Parents are essential partners in their child's education. There are many ways that you as a parent can support Rockdale and our student community. We invite you to volunteer and join our many parent participation groups. For more information and to begin the application process please go to . We look forward to the collaboration!
School Site Council (SSC)
The School Site Council is a decision-making council composed of teachers and parents, that works with the principal to develop, review, and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. This is a great way to learn what is happening at school. Orientation and elections are held within the first six weeks of the school year. The group meets on the third Tuesday of the month, in the afternoon.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Our Rockdale PTA advocates for the welfare of our students, organizes fundraising events essential to many of our programs, and plans many fun gatherings. We need your support. For more information, please see our PTA page.
In the Classroom
Parent volunteerism in the classroom is determined based on need, as determined by each teacher. Often times parents help organize activities as room parents, assist with small group instruction, lead special projects, or act as chaperones on school field trips.
Title I: School-Parent-Student Engagement
Rockdale's School-Parent Compact
This Compact is an agreement that parents and teachers develop together, and explains how we will work together with students to reach or exceed grade-level standards.
LAUSD Title I Parent Engagement Policy
Rockdale's Parent and Family Engagement Policy
The School Site Council developed a written Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy with input from Title I parents (through a survey). The policy was developed collaboratively amongst the teachers, staff and parents during at our School Site Council (SSC) Meetings. The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(a)-(f) inclusive].
Rockdale VAPA Magnet is a School-wide Title I School. The Compact and the Parent and Family Engagement Policy were shared with parents via dojo, are posted on the school’s website, and are available in the front office.